To enable Arabic typing in Windows Vista & 7

  1. Click Start menu, and then click Control Panel.
  2. If the control panel is in the category view, click Switch to Classic View.
  3. Double click Regional and Language Options.
  4. On the Languages Tab, under Text services and input languages, click Details
  5. On the settings tab, click Add.
  6. Under the Input Language label, click the Drop-Down list, and then select Arabic.
  7. Under Keyboard layout/IME, click the Drop-Down List, and select Arabic(102). Click OK.
  8. Click Apply (The language bar should appear at the bottom right hand corner of the desktop).
  9. Click OK and complete by clicking OK.

Arabic should now be enabled. To type Arabic select AR in the language bar or press ALT+Shift to toggle between languages.

Click here to see a demonstration


Muhammad Saifur Rahman Nawhami

22 Rabi I 1435

24 January 2014


آخر تعديل: الجمعة، 24 يناير 2014، 1:31 PM