Editing: Proofing tool
Completion requirements
The Arabic proofing tool/Language pack are add-in for the Microsoft Office Suite. It includes the spelling checker, grammar and style checker, thesaurus, an AutoCorrect list and dictionary in Arabic.
Each version of Office requires its own compatible version of the proofing tool (2003, 2007, 2010); however, Language pack 2010 is compatible with 2007. Word 2013 is available freely here.
To install, simply insert the CD-ROM or click the MUI, and follow the instructions.
If the spelling and grammar errors do not show:
- Click the Microsoft Office Button
- Click Words Options
- Click the Proofing heading,
- Under When correcting spelling and grammar in Word, click the Check spelling as you type and Mark grammar error as you type check box
- Click OK
Note: later versions may look different but the steps are still similar.
See demonstration below
Muhammad Saifur Rahman Nawhami
14 October 2013
Last modified: Monday, 25 August 2014, 1:38 PM